Join Cambridge City Foodbank as a Trustee
14th August 2023
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To meet the strategic challenges driven by the increase in demand for the foodbank’s services, the trustees of Cambridge City Foodbank are looking for up to three individuals with the skills, vision, values and commitment to join its established and active Board.
With a full-time, paid chief executive, Steve Clay, having recently joined the organisation and with plans to spend our accumulated financial surplus on significant expansion, this is an exciting opportunity to contribute towards the work of the foodbank in Cambridge and to utilise your skills and experience in a challenging yet worthwhile environment.
What do trustees do?
Trustees ensure their charity has a clear strategy and that all decisions put the needs of the service users first. They safeguard the charity’s assets – both physical assets, including property, and intangible ones, such as its reputation. They make sure these are used well and that the charity is run sustainably. They hold the CEO to account and provide support and encouragement to them and the team. Trustees are jointly responsible for all their decisions and work together to ensure the charity delivers it’s aims.
“Being a trustee of Cambridge City Foodbank is an extremely satisfying experience. This is because the meetings are expertly chaired; the board understands its role with a balance of good governance and policy development and good systems for all the key areas like health and safety, risk management and finance.”
Role description:
Through regularly preparing for, attending, and playing a full partin board meetings, and supporting the foodbank through participation in agreed projects, trustees will be responsible for:
- Developing CCfb’s vision and strategic direction. Identifying key issues and opportunities, and actively contributing to setting policy and objectives.
- Maintaining an awareness of CCFb’s business, setting targets, and evaluating performance to ensure that the needs of the local community are being met.
- Holding the CEO and their team to account for the delivery of annual business plans and for effectively managing and supporting both paid staff and volunteers.
- Ensuring that CCFb’s governance arrangements are fit for purpose and the Charity Commission and Trussell Trust requirements are complied with.
- Monitoring the financial position of the organisation, ensuring it operates within its means and that resource allocation is in line with our objectives.
- Proactively seeking to further the strategic objectives of the foodbank and acting in its best interests at all times. In particular, representing the foodbank externally to a variety of audiences.
- Proactively seeking to further the strategic objectives of the foodbank, to pray for and to act in its best interests at all times.
“As a trustee, I feel I have joined a highly-motivated, highly-skilled team, who individually and collectively strive to support those in need in our community. I particularly enjoy the appetite for innovation, and the desire to move at pace, in order to meet the growing needs of our community in this space.”
To find out more about the role and how to apply, please see our Candidate Pack.