
Refreshing the Cambridge City Foodbank Brand

16th January 2025

Message from Steve Clay, CEO

We’re making some changes to the way we look to help us achieve our vision of a UK without the need for food banks. In the coming months you will notice more of these changes, including updates to our logo, signage and website.

As an independent local charity, it’s important to us that our visitors, volunteers, donors and partners find it easy to understand who are we, what we do and why. Our refreshed brand will help us answer those questions now and in the future. Making changes to how we look will also bring us in line with other independent local food banks in the Trussell network, who have also taken on the updated visual identity.

We’re indebted to our volunteers, donors and partners for making the work we do possible. We know that you may have questions about the changes we are making, especially as there is a cost involved in some of them. For this reason, I wanted to take the time to explain the rationale behind the changes.

Helping us meet the need for emergency and affordable food

Our existing brand was originally created in 2004, for use by food banks in the Trussell network. Since Cambridge City Foodbank was founded in 2010, need for our support has grown exponentially, but our brand and website have not changed and no longer meet good accessibility standards.

Across the national Trussell network, 75% of people referred to a food bank say they or someone in their household is disabled. It’s vital that we don’t create additional barriers for people seeking help, and we are pleased that our refreshed brand and new website will make it easier to understand how to get support. They have been created in consultation with people who have had to turn to a food bank, using modern accessibility standards.

Together with Trussell

Our new logo features the strapline ‘Together with Trussell’. This reflects our membership of the Trussell network and the fact that as a local independent charity, we benefit from working together with Trussell and other UK food banks towards our shared vision of a UK without the need for food banks.

Whilst this updated logo and strapline help us clearly signal that we work with Trussell, you will from time to time see different straplines used with the logo. These other straplines help us identify when a project has been created and led by Cambridge City Foodbank, and when an external body is doing work in support of Cambridge City Foodbank.

Sustainable, now and in the future

The new brand and website have been developed by Trussell, and we have their support to help with replacing branded items, like updating our signage. Membership of the Trussell network enables us to access support with developing our website, and with template branded assets. Therefore, we are able to transition to the new brand without investing substantial resources of our own, allowing us to keep working on providing emergency and affordable food and tackling the causes of poverty. Where possible, we also plan to replace branded items gradually, when things reach the end of their natural life, to avoid unnecessary waste.

In order to achieve our vision of ending the need for food banks, we must use our resources to have as big an impact as possible. Refreshing our brand at this time is in line with that principle, and will help us reach our wider audience with our message of hope for a future where no one needs to turn to a food bank to survive.

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