Foodbank Welcome Centres

Our eight Foodbank Welcome Centres provide emergency food, and offer compassion, advice and practical support to people left without enough money to live on.

Foodbank Welcome Centre sign

What is a Foodbank Welcome Centre?

A Foodbank Welcome Centre provides emergency food and practical support to people who have been referred to our Foodbank. 

Visitors receive a parcel containing three-days of nutritionally balanced food for everyone in their household. People also get emotional support, and a reminder that they are not alone and someone understands. Our volunteers offer a friendly face and basic kindness. For many people, it’s the first time someone has sat down and listened to them.

We operate eight Foodbank Welcome Centres in and around Cambridge. They are each hosted in community spaces once or twice a week.

Get emergency food

Find out how to get food and practical support if you are struggling

Bag of food being passed between two people

Where does the food come from?

What is a food voucher?

A food voucher is required to get help from a foodbank, including at our Foodbank Welcome Centres in Cambridge. Community organisations such as housing associations, GPs and advice charities can provide a referral for a food voucher, which is then exchanged for a food parcel at our Foodbank Welcome Centres. 

The referral process helps us ensure that people leave our Foodbank Welcome Centres with more than just food.

More than food

We offer holistic support and advice to people, often at their toughest moment, by funding advisers in our Foodbank Welcome Centres, and through other external advice services. This wraparound approach connects people with wider support and puts more money into their pockets, making it far less likely someone will need a foodbank in the future.

Where someone has visited our Foodbank Welcome Centres multiple times, we will encourage them to become a member of one of our Fairbite Food Clubs, where they can choose an affordable weekly shop, connect with the community, and access wider super on an ongoing basis.